SEA-ME-WE 5 international submarine cable system completes shore end in TI Sparkle’s Landing Station in Catania, Sicily

Participated by 20 global players, SEA-ME-WE 5 will connect Europe to Asia with a main landing in Sicily that serves as main hub in the Mediterranean


Rome, February 1, 2016
Telecom Italia Sparkle announces that SEA-ME-WE 5 shore end at its own landing station in Catania has been completed. SEA-ME-WE 5 landing in Catania represents an important milestone towards the completion of the submarine cable, due to go in full operation at the end of this year.

With a design capacity set at 24 Terabit per second on 3 fiber pairs deployed for a total length of 20,000 km, the new cable system will provide lowest latency connectivity through 17 countries – Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Yemen, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, France and Italy – offering an additional network layer of diversity and resilience for the heavily loaded Asia to Europe route.

TI Sparkle’s connectivity solutions out of Sicily on SEA-ME-WE 5 will be available through its Next Generation Data Center in Palermo Sicily Hub, an open and complete service marketplace interconnected with all international cables landing in Sicily, where customers can also peer directly with content providers or publicly through DE-CIX.

SEA-ME-WE 5 is the first cable in the Europe-to-Asia route to provide advanced connectivity solutions on a POP-to-POP basis from open telehouses in Europe – such as TI Sparkle Sicily Hub – as well as in Singapore, in a decisive effort to effectively address today’s demand for IP and capacity services.

With its participation in the SEA-ME-WE 5 consortium, TI Sparkle has secured its leadership in the fast growing Asia to Middle East and Europe route, enhancing its proposition with a diversified and low latency route to and from Asia. And with the recent opening of Sicily Hub in Palermo, Sparkle is further strengthening its role as leading European hub in the Mediterranean.

About Telecom Italia Sparkle
Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A. (TI Sparkle) is the wholly owned subsidiary of Telecom Italia Group (NYSE:TI) with the mission to develop and consolidate the Italian telco’s international services business. As a leading global carrier and through a global backbone of around 570.000 km of fiber, TI Sparkle offers a full range of IP, Data, Cloud, Data Center, Mobile Data and Voice solutions to fixed and mobile operators, Internet service providers, Media and Content providers and to Multinational enterprises. Its sales force is active worldwide and distributed over 39 countries.
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TI Sparkle Media Contact:
Filippo Sanpaolesi
TI Sparkle Communication

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