Global Telcos Connect Continents via SEA-ME-WE 5 Cable System to Serve Future Growth and Diversity

A group of telecom companies jointly pursue to build the state-of-art technology undersea cable to connect the continents when they formed a consortium for the establishment of the South East Asia – Middle East -Western Europe 5 (SEA-ME-WE 5) submarine cable system. The collaboration was made official when the consortium members namely Bangladesh Submarine Cable

Construction of SEA-ME-WE 5 Submarine Cable System to commence Ready-for-Service date set by the second half of 2016

September, 2014– The new Southeast Asia-Middle East-Western Europe (SEA-ME-WE 5) submarine cable system enters the operational implementation phase after the “Coming into Force” fulfillments have all been met. The contractors Alcatel Submarine Networks and NEC have started all operational activities in order to achieve the Ready-for-Service for the international submarine system by the second half